Spring Cleaning Checklist

February is coming to a close, meaning Spring is just around the corner. Before heading back to the beach, we recommend sprucing up your roof and home exteriors to keep up with your home maintenance. With our harsh weather conditions, it’s integral to home ownership, especially in Coastal Carolina. Wind and rain can cause damage, and if you haven’t had an inspection done recently, it might be time to put eyes on the top of your roof. Arm yourself with these essential spring cleaning tips to protect your home from future damage.

Clean Gutters and Downspouts

Are your gutters full of debris, such as twigs and pine needles? They tend to get stuck and can clog up water flow in your gutters, which can cause damage to your roof. If you don’t feel comfortable getting up on a ladder, contact Patriot Roofing, and we will be happy to schedule a gutter cleaning for you.

Add Gutter Guards

Have you considered gutter guards? If you live in an area with long-leaf pine needles, which we are known for, consider adding gutter guards to your gutters. It’s a great way to save time and eliminate the added chore of cleaning out your gutters, and it’s safer for you since you won’t need to get on a roof to clean them. Leave it to the professionals. The guards allow water to run freely but will block the added debris. It’s a great way to keep on top of your home maintenance, and Patriot Roofing can help you choose the best gutter guards that are right for you.

Remove Debris

Debris, such as leaves, pine needles, and branches, can accumulate on your roof over the Fall and Winter months. It’s best to remove the debris by using a broom or a leaf blower. Debris that sits on your roof for an extended period of time can trap moisture, causing damage to your roof.

Clean Moss & Algae

Are you seeing green build-up on your house? It’s recommended that you wash your siding twice a year or hire a professional to power wash the house. It’s essential to remove the buildup so it doesn’t cause any further damage.

Inspect the Siding

If you haven’t walked your property in a while, take a minute to inspect the outside of your house. Do you see siding that looks rotted? It’s common in our wet climate for the need to replace siding on occasion, especially wood siding, because moisture causes the wood to rot over time. Patriot is an expert in siding repair, so if you see damage, we can also address your siding concerns. We’re not just a roofing expert but are also certified in siding repair.

Trim Branches

Overhanging branches can cause damage to your roof by scratching your roof or even falling during a storm. Keeping them trimmed back is the best protection for your roof.

Examine Your Roof for Loose Shingles

nclement weather can cause shingles to lift and loosen, which can cause water damage. If you notice loose or missing shingles, give Patriot Roofing a call. We do repairs for small to large jobs.

Check the Flashing and Chimney

It’s important to check the flashing around your chimney so there isn’t any water seepage. If the flashing has pulled away from the chimney, there is a good chance water may be coming in through holes or cracks in the chimney.

With these tips

Window Revitalization 

Remember the windows! Clean the windows inside and out for a sparkling finish and replace any damaged or worn-out weather striping to enhance energy efficiency.

Spring cleaning isn’t just for the inside of your home; it’s an opportunity to enhance its curb appeal and protect its structural integrity. By dedicating time and effort to your roof and exteriors, you are investing in the longevity and beauty of your home. We want our homes to last for a lifetime, all possible with our annual spring maintenance tips.

If you have any questions or need to schedule an inspection, call Patriot Roofing at 910-218-0600 or email us at [email protected].

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