Ultimate Guide to Spring Cleaning – Indoor Checklist

Unpredictable Wilmington weather and erratically fluctuating temperatures can only mean one thing: it’s time for spring cleaning. You’re emerging from your winter hibernation, and the 70-degree days dotted between frosty mornings are motivating you. Using this spring cleaning checklist can help you direct that motivation toward a productive outcome.
Surprising Reasons for Spring Cleaning
Thinking about spring cleaning when you could otherwise be soaking up the sunshine makes you want to procrastinate. But if you don’t follow some spring cleaning tips now, projects and tasks can pile up, leaving you with long to-do lists throughout the warmer months when you really want to get to the beach.
Some reasons to go through this spring cleaning checklist now include:
- Improve immunity and prevent illness
- Enhance mental health and reduce stress
- Implement healthy habits
- Protect your property before hurricane season
- Identify problems before they get worse (and costly)
Spring Cleaning Tips for Wilmington Homeowners
Sigh. You know that you have a lot to do. We’re here to make it easier. This isn’t your typical spring cleaning checklist.
The following tips will help you get through your spring cleaning projects without becoming overwhelmed or exhausted.
1. Take it one step at a time.
The thought of deep cleaning your entire house and yard can make you want to go back into hibernation mode. But you don’t have to do it all at once. The rest of these tips and the checklist will make the process manageable. .
2. Use the checklist.
Checklists are powerful. They help you avoid distractions and complete tasks efficiently. Perhaps even more importantly, they free up your brain to think about other things, like how you’re going to spend your summer vacation.
Print out the checklist at the bottom of this page. Take some time to personalize it for yourself by taking the following actions:
- Cross out anything that doesn’t apply to you. (Woohoo! You get to cross some things off the list right away!)
- Break down complicated tasks into smaller steps; if you can whittle down a big project into 5-minute chunks, you’ll finish your spring cleaning without feeling like you worked hard at all.
3. Post the checklist where the entire household can see it.
The checklist at the end of this post breaks the process down by area. After you print it out, post it in a central location in your home. The refrigerator or entryway bulletin board are perfect places to display it..
Then, get everyone on board with the process. Explain that these are the tasks that need to get done before school is out. Encourage everyone to take on tasks and cross them off the list when they do.
If you did your work in step 2 of these spring cleaning tips, this part will be easy. Whenever you have time to kill, check the list. Make it a game–what can you cross off today?
Here are some examples of excellent times to tackle a task on the spring cleaning checklist:
- Clean the microwave while you’re waiting for water to boil before dinner.
- Wash the sink and mirror as your toddler splashes in the tub.
- Clean the washing machine as your last load is in the dryer.
- Dust blinds while you’re watching TV.
Get the drift?
Furthermore, if you hire professionals to perform spring cleaning services for you, you can use the checklist to keep track of everything that needs to be done.
4. Make it easy on yourself.
You can streamline the work ahead of you by getting the equipment that you need ahead of time. Don’t skimp on this step, and choose products that make your life easier.
These are our favorite ways to simplify the process:
- Cleansing wipes are spring cleaning’s best friend. So is the Mr. Clean Magic Eraser.
- If you prefer to go the natural route, white vinegar and lemon cut through grease like nobody’s business.
- Cut sponges, Magic Erasers and those green scrubby pads in half to get more use out of them.
- Put a bucket filled with appropriate cleaning supplies in every room.
- Don’t stick your vacuum behind winter coats in the storage closet; keep it handy for a few weeks until your spring cleaning checklist is complete.
Room-by-Room Spring Cleaning Checklist
Now that you have some spring cleaning tips to make the job feel like nothing, let’s get to it. We’ve created a checklist with the most important chores for spring cleaning indoors. These will spruce up your home from the bottom to the top, and you won’t work your tail off.
Click on the image below to print a copy of this checklist to make life easier.

Every Room/General Spring Cleaning
- Wash baseboards, switch plates, door knobs and door frames.
- Spot clean walls using a Magic Eraser or microfiber cloth and water.
- Vacuum behind and under furniture.
- Vacuum room edges and vents.
- Declutter and dust bookshelves.
- Dust ceiling fixtures.
- Dust furniture.
- Change air filters.
- Shampoo carpets.
- Mop hard flooring.
- Organize the junk drawer. Repurpose boxes and small bowls to corral small items.
Doors and Windows
- Freshen curtains and throw pillows using the dryer’s air-only cycle.
- Clean the inside of windows with glass cleaner and a microfiber cloth.
- Check weather stripping for damage, and replace if necessary.
- Wash window sills.
- Replace windows and doors for enhanced energy efficiency and curb appeal.
- Clean the microwave by boiling a mug of water and vinegar for two minutes. Let it sit with the door closed to release steam. After 5 minutes, wipe down the surfaces.
- Remove everything from the countertops and clean/polish them.
- Clean your fridge and freezer: remove old food, wipe surfaces and pull out drawers to wash.
- Vacuum behind and under the fridge, including the coils.
- Go through each cabinet and get rid of items you haven’t used this year.
- Vacuum and wipe out kitchen cabinets.
- Clean the top of your cabinets – spray with vinegar or heavy-duty cleaner, then use a credit card to scrape off grime, and wipe clean with a paper towel.
- Clean your oven with baking soda, water and vinegar.
- Clean the crumbs from the toaster (check for a removable crumb collector trap at the bottom).
- Scrub the stove top, drip pans and hood.
- Sharpen knives.
- Sanitize cutting boards.
- Remove stains from tablecloths and place mats (washing them and drying them in direct sunlight helps).
- Clean chair pads.
- Clean or replace your shower curtains and liners.
- Declutter bathroom storage – toss anything that you haven’t used in a year.
- Deep clean and reseal grout.
- Scrub the bathtub, sink and toilet, including the toilet seat hinges and bolt covers.
- Toss expired medications.
- Wash sheets, pillowcases, blankets and comforters.
- Vacuum mattresses.
- Get rid of clothes you no longer wear. Put aside items that need mending or stain removal.
- Look for roof damage. If you see cracks, moisture or light coming in, call a Wilmington roofer for an inspection.
- Check for signs of mold or pest infestations, and have them remediated right away.
- Get rid of items that you no longer need.
- Put small things in plastic storage bins.
- Label boxes with contents so that you can find them easily later.
- Sweep or vacuum the floor.
- Make sure insulation is not damp or disheveled
Spring Cleaning Indoors Without the Stress
Don’t worry about getting it all done in one day or week. Take your time, and keep crossing things off the list. Even better,you can tackle these chores throughout the year if you just keep the spring cleaning checklist up and reprint it once you’ve crossed everything out. Professional spring cleaning services and organizing companies can help you complete the tasks that you really want to avoid.
As you look at your space more thoroughly, make note of damage, cracks, and moisture stains on the walls and ceilings. If you spot any of these issues, call Patriot Roofer Wilmington right away. We can inspect your roof and ensure that leaks and damage won’t spoil your newly cleaned home.